Jack Perconte’s Books
I’m always amazed at how a few timely words can ignite determination and develop unbreakable mental toughness.
My concern for today's athlete's mental health, specifically, how quickly they get down on themselves, led me to write this book. Are you tired of seeing your athlete held back by fear and adversity in their athletic pursuits?
This powerful book of 365 motivational quotes will help transform your athlete's mental game and conquer their most formidable opponent - their inner self.
Former Major League baseball player and 17-time marathon finisher, Jack Perconte, shares timely expressions for pressure-worn players. These thoughtful communications will change an athlete's life.
This guide is for athletes who want to:
* Improve focus.
* Achieve goals.
* Develop a winning attitude.
* Embrace growth.
* Understand a success mindset.
* Learn to cope and enhance their joy of sport.
* Need a push to be better tomorrow than today.
* Are looking to conquer the most formidable opponent - their inner self.
THE SUCCESS TRAIL: Discover the Winning SPorts Mentality and the Benefits of Running
Don't miss out on this life-changing book that will empower you to achieve your dreams and become the best version of yourself. Start your journey toward success and fulfillment!
Here’s the thing - sports parents want the best for their kids - playing and life wise - but often do more to harm their youth sports experience than help it.
Raising an Athlete is for parents who do not want to look back in a few years and have regrets that you were part of the problem and not part of the solution for why their son or daughter did not enjoy or no longer wanted to play youth sports.
And for those tired of seeing their child not working hard or not having fun on the sports field, many strategies address that in this book.
It's not easy being a sports parent in today's high-pressure youth sports world and worse for those who do not have the right perspective and guidelines to help your child along the way.
Here’s the thing - every youth sports coach sets out to do do a great job, but unfortunately - that wish doesn’t come true because of little or no training to do it.
The author shows youth sports coaches how to be the role model they set out to be and more importantly, be remembered the rest of athletes' lives by developing kids into mature, productive adults.
Imagine a youth sports world where kids learn to play hard, leadership skills, sportsmanship, acceptance of the challenge sports present, and the pure joy of playing.
Having a coach that can provide those is crucial, but unfortunately, those coaches are few and far between. Most coaches are unprepared for the new-type athlete and parent. The result is frustrations for all - the coaches, parents, and kids.
Using his experiences of playing at the highest level, heartfelt personal coaching stories, and analysis of the coaching greats' methods, former Major Leaguer Jack Perconte creates a step-by-step plan to influence kids and their parents. The time has come for all coaches to know how to bring out the best in player abilities and desire levels and keep parents happy at the same time.
Proper training of sports coaches will bring the fun back into the games, along with helping youth succeed on and off the playing fields. This training will also help eliminate the daily "unfortunate" and often "news-making" violence that occurs on the playing fields.
Here’s the thing - the way players have been taught to hit in recent years has led to a million strikeouts and home runs, but the latter only come from the strongest players. The rest get the strikeouts and plenty of lazy flyballs. It’s nice to see the tide turning back to the way hitting used to be taught, where contact and good solid line drives ruled the day.
Before the home run craze hit the major leagues, back in my day at least, players were content with hitting line drives and high batting averages. Sure home runs are the best, but the thing is most kids will never be home run hitters and to strive for them is a dead end for most. This book will do that for hitters who want to make solid contact and hit for a high average.
There is a saying, "if it was easy, everyone would do it?" Well, that does not just mean hitting a baseball but teaching it.
One would hope that hitting a baseball, and the teaching of it was easy, but it's not. The author helps parents and coaches teach the hitting drills and processes to deliver that elusive success.
Every year of bad habits makes it harder to correct the baseball fundamentals. This step-by-step hitting guide will show you, the sports parent or baseball coach, how to teach the mechanics of hitting and the mental game of hitting in a way that your child does not end up mad at you after every baseball practice.
If you want to help your son or daughter to learn the fundamentals of hitting which will allow them to have a high batting average, grow confidence and develop power along the way, then you are in the right place.
For the old-school coaches who believe in contact and not only home runs, this book is for you.