Winning Sports Mentality Gallery
Every Picture Has a Story
Through the years - photos of trials and trials, tribulations and triumphs, fun and unfun, winning and the fight for it - the road to success is never easy or straight, but always worth it.
"Felt like a million, Felt like number one" - Me at the start of a marathon - Like a Rock - Bob Seger
And me near the end of a marathon - Legs of stone
Glory Days
To the victor, goes the "swag" - MLB World Series Trophy - Dodgers 1981 - and 14 marathon medals.
The road to success can get lonely - but look to the horizon and the end is worth it.
Upended but undeterred - and the fans, I mean fan, went wild - typical early 80's Cleveland crowd
Start spreading the news - my account of the NYC marathon in my latest book is a fun read
"Larger than Life" - me and Yaz - yes, i caught the last ball he ever hit in the MLB - awesome to be on the field with one of the greatest.
Follow your dreams - the way will illuminate
It's how one handles the ups and downs in life and sport that defines ultimate success.
Smile through the journey - no matter the end, it will be worth it
Things often get dark all around you, the ability to believe there is a light through it all and remain focused on that light, separates the achievers from the "wannabes."
The road is long, the road is rough, but the road is passable - another completed marathon - #15.
Often, out on the trails of running and life, one feels all alone - that is the good and bad news.