You May or May Not Know Jack Quiz – 18th Marathon Reveal

Marathon Training Update

A running update: I took a break from running for the first time in over 17 years. I needed to see if a break would help my future runs be easier physically and mentally. The break seemed essential because Father Time seemed to have been winning over the past year, but that is probably an unreasonable hypothesis, as my training was smooth sailing just the year before. I probably missed an essential ingredient in my training, which I hope to discover. My baseball career taught me that after the season, I needed to get away from the sport and regenerate despite loving the game and its challenges.  

I followed that path and have my fingers crossed that the break works. With one month to go before I begin training for my 18th marathon, I have started with some easy jogs. I know I have the mental capacity to take back the negative momentum, so it's time to do that.

Mental strength is most needed for the marathon runner at the beginning of training. You may think the most challenging aspect of marathon training is the extended runs, up to 21 miles. However, I dread the first six weeks the most because my body and mind have such a long way to go before being ready for 26.2 miles. I often run three or four miles in the early training days, thinking there is no way I can run a marathon. Once I start to run longer distances, like a half marathon, I believe 26.2 miles is possible, even though I realize it will take all I’ve got and some.

My latest book has been valuable for my mental state. I use the 365 Peak Sports Mentality Quotes: Winning Words of Wisdom for daily running inspiration. The positive affirmations help me get out the door. They also help me kill the time, which there is a lot of out on the running trails. They are helpful for reflection on the run. I wrote the book to help all athletes navigate their sports journeys and life, as I still need.

 “You May or May Not Know Jack” marathon reveal quiz

The questions refer to my baseball past, the city’s ballpark, or the location where I will run my next marathon. If you know the answer to any one of them, you will know where my next marathon will be run.

1.     In which city did I win a batting title for a prestigious tournament at seventeen?

This one is impossible to know, so there is a 50-point bonus if you know this about my career. I may be the only one who knows the answer, as it happened over fifty years ago, although a few former teammates may. Even my family members probably don’t have the answer.  

2.     What ballpark had a field that was misaligned with the stadium?

Only old-timers and those who know the old major league ballparks will know this. Perhaps it was just me, but the field always seemed cockeyed when I was out at second base.

3.     In which ballpark did I hit one of my two little league home runs?

Another one that only hardcore “me” fans will know, which means probably only family members. I recall seeing how exhausted I was after circling the bases afterward on ESPN, and Chris Berman even had one of his famous nicknames for me. You get bonus points for knowing what the nickname was, too?

4.     Which team won an MLB World Series, had many future Hall of Fame players, and a big clue here - had a Hall of Fame manager?


Many real baseball fans who know the game's history can probably figure this out.

5.     The city’s marathon is an international one?

Only hardcore marathon runners may know this one. Unless you know your marathon courses or city locations, the international part will slightly throw you off.

18th Marathon Reveal


On October 20, God willing that I stay healthy, I will run the Detroit Free Press Marathon.


Quiz background notes


     Perhaps it was a sign of things to come when I led the tournament in hitting, but unfortunately, my hitting prowess did not carry over in the major league ballpark as I didn’t hit as well in Detroit. I believe it had something to do with the off-centered field. That’s my excuse, and I’m sticking to it. I never got comfortable playing second base or batting in old Detroit Stadium, so my play wasn’t very sharp. I hope a smooth marathon will help me have better Detroit memories.

     Because I didn’t hit well, bunting was my go-to offensive solution, and I laid a beauty down against Hall of Famer Jack Morris, and I made it all the way home due to a few Tiger errors. My Chris Berman Nickname – “Picante sauce”


The Detroit Tigers won the 1984 World Series with too many great players to mention here. They had Hall of Fame manager Sparky Anderson behind the wheel, which makes sense as it was the Motor City. I am honored to have played against such a great team.

     Finally, it’s so cool that the marathon course takes you across the Ambassador Bridge into Canada. I will have my passport in hand just in case, I blow out before returning to the U.S.A. If I complete the marathon, I can say I run internationally, knowing I may never get to the famous London, Berlin, and Tokyo marathons.


So there you go, now You Know Jack s - - -. Ha. I’m sure I will run for a charity, so be ready for me to hit you up for some help raising funds. Happy Trails!



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