Here’s the thing…
Random musings on things I know - baseball, youth-sports-coaching, parenting athletes, and running far distances - or at the least, think I know about. For those interested in reaching their potential in those areas, former Major Leaguer, 18 time marathon finisher, and 35 -year sports coach offers his thoughts on reaching goals.
You May or May Not Know Jack Quiz – 18th Marathon Reveal
You don’t know Jack 18th Marathon Reveal quiz
Aiming for the Stars – Initial Steps to Reaching Goals
Our goals are to show ourselves and the world who we are or aspire to be. The winner’s plan involves a purposeful life of moving forward by being unafraid to take on complex challenges even with the knowledge one may fail. The quest for better is the challenge and the dynamic reason to push beyond the ordinary. Pursuing success is a never-ending process of going for it, settling in, and re-examining the outcome.