8 Interesting Marathon Facts – Fun Running Quiz

Marathon Running Quiz


When I made running marathons a part of my lifestyle years ago, I began reading about them. I was fascinated by some of the facts and unbelievable human feats I have read about when it comes to marathon running. You will be surprised with many, as I was, and only hard-core runners may know the answers. Or those of you who have read my latest book, The Success Trail. So, for those of you looking to stump someone or win your trivia contest, read on.


Answers below.


1.     Which gender are better long-distance runners?

2.     What marathons are considered the “Big Six”?

3.     How far is a marathon?

4.     Is it possible to run a marathon 50 days in a row?

5.     What does it take to be superhuman?

6.     Which animal is the best long-distance runner?

7.     Which is the “coolest” marathon of all?


8.     What is the best part of a marathon?

Interesting Marathon Facts Answers


1.     This is a trick question, but perhaps there is a reason for the following fact. In 2018, more females entered a marathon than males in the USA. Now, most know that men runners have faster times than women in the marathon and ultra-marathon distances. However, the farther the race, the closer the gap between men’s and women’s times. Ultimately, studies show that at the 195-mile marker, women become faster than men. Wow. So you women out there, it’s time to brag about that, and as for us men, do not go signing up for any race of more than 195 miles unless you want to lose bragging rights.   


2.     The "Big Six" marathons are Boston, New York, Chicago, London, Berlin, and Tokyo. I have a ways to go, but each city is a thrilling one, so if you decide to visit them, you may as well take in the sights with the fast-foot-tour. 


3.     We know a marathon is 26.2 miles, but in other terms, it is the equivalent of running:
A. Up Mount Everest 4.7 times – not recommended
B. The length of a football field 461 times – kind of boring if that is the path you choose for training.
C. . 55,000 steps on the pedometer - if the weekly steps total needs a boost, it's an excellent way to go, so be sure to charge the pedometer before heading out.  



4.     Of course it’s possible, or it wouldn’t have been a question. For the lovers of superhero movies, this one is for you. Dean Karnazes ran 50 marathons in 50 days and 50 different states. One a year is sufficient for me, but, whenever I complain in training or the race, I stop, and think of "Mr. 50." 


5.     Superheroes are one thing; what about superhumans? The current world record holder, Eliud Kipchoge, holds the record in 2 hours, 1 minute, and 39 seconds. In other words, a pace of 4 minutes and 38 seconds per mile. Crazy fast, especially when the number 4:38 is my average finish time but in hours and minutes.  


6.     Humans are the best long-distance runners of all animals. However, according to past results, you may have to go further than 26.2 miles to defeat a horse if you consider taking on that challenge. Stories exist that ancient man would run animals down over miles as the four-legged animals would eventually wear down.

7.     I implied above how neat the Big 6 marathons were, but if you want a super cool marathon, there is an annual North Pole Marathon, at least before the pandemic. I hear it's a great place to chill out, too. Perhaps cooler than that, although not an annual event, a marathon race has been run in Antarctica. How cool is that? Never mind.  


8.     Easiest answer for any of the queries – the best part is the before and after. The best way to make it through the race is with added energy from carb-loading. It sounds complicated but it is a license to eat all the pasta you want the days leading up to the race. How great is that? Hitting the wall is a depletion of muscle glycogen, usually after twenty miles. It's a high and robust barrier that appears right before you without any warning, so eating every carb you see is the only way over it. And after the 26.2, a cheeseburger and beer are a heavenly experience, especially when you have no desire to see pasta for a while.   


There you go, now, get out there and run. You will not regret it.


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