Inspiration is Everywhere - Outside and Inside of You

Here's the thing – One never knows when and where inspiration will come.

Sometimes it can even come out of a child as young as three years old, as often happens when I am around my grandson. Children are so brilliant at times without them even trying to be. For example, when he gets hurt and cries, one of my lines to him is, "You have to be tough in life." Recently, I stubbed my toe and noticeably winced, and he immediately says, "Papa, are you tough?" Ah, he got me back pretty good.

There are two people I quote in my latest book who I never dreamed I ever would, but inspiration is in everyone; some people just don't push to let it out of them. One of those sources is Former Boxing Champ, Mike Tyson. He once said, "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth," or toe stubbed, I might add. The same applies in sports and life, although it's not usually a literal punch. Unfortunately, it often seems like one, and how you react after failure is the key to becoming successful. It's what you do after the pain and disappointment that makes the difference.

The success mindset begins with shaping one's demeanor in the heat of the moment. Of course, it's not always easy to do when one's spirit is low and why winning is hard to do. But the belief in the mind's power to make things happen makes it possible.

The mind's framing begins with inspiration in the form of the answers to the necessary questions.

Are you tough? When I think of my grandson and the athlete I want to be, I vow to be tough.

Is quitting an option? Pain is temporary; quitter is not who I am.

Are you going to let some temporary failure end your dreams? Dreams wouldn’t be that if they were easy. I got this, or will give my all, in pursuit of them.

Why keep going when all your friends are out partying? The willingness to have discipline is what sets one apart from others.



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