How to Survive Beginnings on Road to Success

Here’s the thing – Reaching goals is never easy! But beginnings are formidable in their own right, or the finish line has no chance. Just think of how many of our new year’s resolutions fall apart quickly.

Question – what distance do you think I look forward to the most when training for a marathon - 8 miles or 20 miles? Besides neither, I kid, it seems like an obvious answer. But, in reality, I lean a little towards the latter, the twenty.

Hear me out! By the time I get to the twenty-mile mark around the 4th month of training, I am addicted to the running, the process, and the cause. Furthermore, I begin to smell the finish line, and once I can run twenty miles, I realize another six is in the realm of possibility.

However, working up to the 8-mile distance in the first month of training is much more difficult in a sense. The body and mind are still acclimating to the work and discipline and, I feel, “There is no “effen” way I can run 18 more miles based on how spent I am. Getting back in long-distance shape is always a bear.

The key to beginnings is learning the lessons of sport and life during practice, so one is ready to apply them when it counts – in the race.

Lesson 1 – Before beginning, explore your purpose, make it indispensable to who you want to be, and review it often.

Lesson 2 - Understand this and be ready - certainty leads to skepticism quickly in sports and life; you will sense you have it made one minute, but something pops up to kill the notion.  

Lesson 3 – Don’t jump to conclusions - tomorrow is a new opportunity to shine.  

Lesson 4 – Turn failed attempts into wins by doing something about them.

Lesson 5 - Commit to doing one’s utmost; it will overcome the inevitable self-doubt.

Finally, remember, the most challenging step is the first one out the door, and the failure does not define you but a lack of trying will.



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