Experience is Everything - Until it Isn’t

Here’s the thing …

Experience is the best teacher, but every day and adventure in life and sports has new and unexpected challenges. Experience pays off, but one cannot rely on it completely. Just because you have been there and done that, no guarantee exists you can do it again.

Following are some thoughts before taking on a challenge, which for me will be my 15th marathon.

1. Explore your past. If you paid attention to the little details, you have a great start to achievement. Remember, though, time erodes memory, so write down the things that work and those that hinder progress. I can’t believe how many times I’ve fallen into the same traps even after having done something many times. I plan on incorporating many of the past successful strategies for my upcoming Marine Corp Marathon, all the while knowing I will probably do something stupid along the way.

2. Perhaps the most important lesson is that Father Time and Sir Body are undefeated when it comes to athletics. Each year after one reaches their athletic prime, which was 40 years ago for me, one must do more, not less, to achieve the same end.

3. Another lesson is understanding the nature of a new challenge. Only a few weeks before I begin training, I cringe, thinking about what’s to come, and at the same time embrace what’s to come. Such is the nature of reaching for the big goals – it’s toe-curling and exhilarating at the same time.

4. Experience also tells me “Psyching up” for a project must be done long before starting. That process begins with:

A. Believing something worthwhile is out there.

B. Knowing an optimistic life outlook helps overcome a lack of confidence when the inevitable self-doubt arrives.

C. Envisioning the end of the journey and the high self-satisfaction that comes with achievement keeps one on course.   


Inspiration is Everywhere - Outside and Inside of You