How to Keep Luck on Your Side

Good Luck is a Mindset You Control


On the golf course, I find myself saying this a lot, “Better lucky than good.” I know that’s not true over the long haul but knowing both are under my control is comforting.


Good and bad luck roll into our lives from time to time. Those who have a certain mindset get more of the good kind—knowing that, who wouldn’t take advantage of it?


I often think back to how I made the major leagues and, to this day, shake my head in disbelief. Was that me that made it to that level? I recall so many more talented players who came up short and thank the Lord for the result and the luck that came to me. The more I think of it, though, the more I realize my mind had a lot to do with bringing me good luck.


When we accomplish something, we tend to forget how difficult it was to make it to the end. When I finish a marathon, most of the pain dissolves into an afterthought, even with all the aches.

It’s critical to know everything it took along the route to the finish. So how does one get there despite the setbacks? Many attributes and luck – right place, right time, the right attitude.


According to the Roman philosopher Seneca, “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity,” and I would never argue with him. It means we have charge of luck and is more likely when our mind is right. When thoughts are in a good place, the chances of good fortune lean in our direction. Does that mean we will get the breaks every time – no, but over the long haul, it does. The winner’s mindset keeps hope and good luck alive.


How to keep good luck on your side

 Following are some of the luck-inducing mindsets that worked in my favor for making the MLB and finishing marathons. Of course, these are not secret ingredients, but the better one is at having as many of them as possible, the more luck that may come your way.  



  1. Perspective – the attitude of realizing hardship and failure will be part of the process will help not to interpret them as bad luck. Naivety is deflating.

  2. Conviction - trusting in yourself and your associates no matter how unsuccessful before or difficult the task is critical for the good luck door to swing open.

  3. Tenacity - displaying a never-give-up attitude with optimism gives more time and opportunity for good things to happen.

  4. Accountability - settling for mediocrity hinders the potential for luck.

  5. Optimism - believing “better” is a never-ending and reachable goal is the mindset that fosters good luck.

  6. Love – the enjoyment of the process is critical when the daily grind wears you down. When we do not let the pressure, insecurity, or loss lead us into a pessimistic or cynical direction, the environment for good happening is likelier.

 Finally, good luck often follows when we maintain self-control, consistency, enthusiasm, and pride. A portion of The Success Trail sales goes to charity - a win, win.


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