What to Do when You Suck? 5 Strategies to Try

Let's face it – there will be times when we will suck at something – perhaps in a game or life – strikeout after strikeout, or simply doing or saying the wrong thing. It's the nature of the sports and life business, of being human, I suppose. In my life, that would be book-length to count the times things did not go the way I planned.

Life goes on, but it's also important to not beat oneself up over things, at least for long or too often. So how does one keep the fun and excitement to keep at it after those times?

The task begins with:

1. Knowing everyone has limitations and is human, after all. For the athlete, when they think they can do the unreasonable, it won't be easy to enjoy the result.

2. Be accountable to yourself by admitting you were not at your best and realize that you never intended to fail. Again, the athlete's mindset - tomorrow is a new day.

3. Be thankful for the opportunity, others, skill, health, and energy. The athlete realizes they are part of a team and family.

4. Frame or maintain the perception of "you" positively with the optimism you will improve. Sports and life are not about proving but improving. You are not a bad player or person, your play or actions were just subpar - period

5. Envision your play and interactions as times of fun, independence, and exploration. The athlete knows that no one wins all the time and it’s the effort that brings satisfaction.

Finally, replace a frown with a smile, and you will notice everything becomes more accessible.


Do It Because You Can


Beware the Decisions that Kill Success