Beware the Decisions that Kill Success

Here's the thing, we cannot be superman or superwoman, so don't try to be.

We've all heard the term often associated with great coaches, "We try to put them in a position to succeed." In work and life, you are the coach, and you must do the same. Make choices that give yourself the best chance to achieve what you set out to do.

So yesterday, I ran a marathon. Wait a minute. I did not, as I am only in my first month of training for one. I would even think that because I felt as bad after as when completing some of my marathons. How could that be as I ran only 5 miles? Well, it was the situation I put myself in.

With an athlete's mind, which is sometimes mistakenly that of a superhero, I leave the house with the temperatures in the upper 80's. Additionally, my weather phone app says the real-feel temperature, whatever that is, is 100. Sure, I could have run indoors on a treadmill or early morning or late day, when things were less oppressive. But no, not stupid me.

My reasoning, which often brings bad decisions, is that I am an athlete, and the athlete loves a challenge – that it was. Second, they often believe the near impossible is possible – "I got this" is the mentality. And third, refer to one and two again!

Don't get me wrong, most intangibles of the competitor are admirable — the dedication, work ethic, love of competition, and desire to always be better. But, believing one can handle anything that comes along, especially things that defy common sense, is the recipe for defeat. A line needs drawing between believing in oneself and facing reality. 

So, rather than trying to be a superstar, accept the conditions of play and make the best decisions for success. And even though I loved the late, great Yogi Berra, when you get to the fork in the road, carefully analyze your options before deciding which way to go. Success has a better chance then.

Having said the above, I'm pretty sure that won't be my last ill-advised decision because learning from the past is not always a given, and I am sure to pretend to be a superhero somedays.

Finally, is pigheaded one or two words? No offense intended towards the animal, of course.


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