Career Change – Maury Wills and Moonlight Graham

Maury Wills – Thank You for passing it on


As I was about to publish this article about making a difference in others’ lives by passing your knowledge on, it was ironic that I heard of another baseball legend’s passing. Very sad to hear about the death of Maury Wills, as he influenced my life. Los Angeles Dodger Maury Wills taught me base running skills and, most importantly, how to steal a base. I knew to pay attention as the instruction came from one of the top base stealers, perhaps the best up until then. He was excellent at teaching how to read a pitcher’s tendencies and moves for stealing bases.


That knowledge propelled me into a good base stealer at the major league level. A sign of a great coach is the ability to disperse information in ways one can translate into action, and I can picture Maury teaching baserunning as if it were yesterday. I was never the fastest player on my professional teams, but with his help, I developed the confidence on the base paths I lacked in other parts of my game. Thank You, Maury Wills; rest in Peace; you made a difference in my life.  



Moonlight Graham and Me


Although I had many more major league at-bats than "Moonlight Graham" did in the movie Field of Dreams, I know how he felt  I could have kept playing, but I may have missed my life's passion and making a difference.


I feel I am one of the lucky ones, and I don't mean playing major league baseball. Nothing has given me more thrills and pleasure than I get in helping young ballplayers achieve their goals. One of my hitting students came in recently and excitedly said, "I hit a home run." I felt like the happiest guy in the world for a moment because I saw how much the hit meant to him. Playing major league baseball was a dream come true and the culmination of my passion and obsession, but teaching the game has meant more.  Often, my teaching has led to just a hit or two, but it may be just that one hit that makes playing worthwhile and brings lifelong confidence.


When the Lights went Out


On the one hand, it is a tremendous feeling to be twenty-something years old and to have reached your life's goal. On the other hand, when a player's career ends, it can be terrifying to think of the rest of one's life. I use that word terrifying loosely, of course, but looking into one's future is scary when playing the game is no longer an option. I am sure many players were like me and wondered at the end, "What else can I do that will give me close to the enjoyment that playing does?"


It's a young man's game, and unfortunately, the career ends for players, and real life must start. For some, the end comes much too soon and maybe with a release at a young age. For others, the future may not come as quickly, but, never the less, it comes way before one usually wishes it to end. When it ends, one can feel empty, wondering what to do to fill the void of no more professional baseball. The thrill of playing a kid's game for pay is hard to beat, especially when that has been one's goal and obsession since they were very young.


Because of the time spent and focus necessary to be one of the best players in the world, players learn few other skills beyond the diamond. Of course, the money in today's game may make future skills less necessary, but for players in my era, that was not usually the case. Also, money or not, most want to find other passions and accomplishments after their career ends, which even money cannot buy.


The Beginning of the End


The career-ending "writing on the wall" began for me with my release from the Mariners in the spring of 1986. I had a few more chances of staying in the show, but it was apparent from my play that I was on the downside of my career. Once a player starts to trend downward, getting many more chances is very tough. Younger, accomplished players are always knocking on the door and deserve their "shot," too. I hung on another year and a half, but my thoughts turned to life after baseball. I had my college degree, which probably put me on a better retirement road than other ballplayers, but I had little interest in following my college areas of study.


Like advancing up the ladder in professional baseball, being in the right place at the right time was the key to my future. Late in my 1987 season in triple-A baseball, one of my coaches (Former major leaguer and long-time big league pitching coach Brent Strom) led me to open a baseball academy. One thing led to another, and I had found my life's passion – working with young people.


It allowed me to remain in the game I loved and help youth. A funny thing happened when I began teaching baseball; I learned the fundamentals of the game. I realized I had played major league baseball without knowing the fundamentals, which often led to my lack of confidence over the years. If only I could go back and do it again with the knowledge I have gained, I may have played a few more years and been much more successful. But then, like Moonlight Graham, I may not have helped some kid get that hit or two. Thank you, Brent, Maury, and Moonlight for helping me find my "field" of dreams.


5 Career Change Tips:


1.     Accept that you may never like another job as much but when it’s time to get on with it, get on with it – life is short.


2.     Like the ending miles to a marathon, it’s the mind that determines the outcome, so you must believe the destination you choose will be worth your time and effort.


3.     Life is more than being happy. Having a purpose beyond yourself is better; the sooner you realize that, the better.  Making a difference in people’s life is better than pleasing a fan base and your ego.


4.     No risk, little reward. Finding something you enjoy may take a while, but that’s OK.

 A. Have a plan and a time frame for falling in love with it.
 B. Know there will be rough times, but there were in the old job too.
 C. Give your all, and there is a good chance you will see the good in what you do.


5.     Find others you enjoy being around. Being around people you enjoy is as important as the work itself. My comfort level proved to be with kids; once I discovered that “work was not work anymore.”  

Finally, modeling influential people from your past, like Maury Wills and Moonlight Graham, helps you find a new passion. Happy Trails!

Coming along


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