All Baseball Defeats are Not the Same

Devastating Baseball Defeats


This is an edited version of an article I wrote years ago. I think of it often as the major league baseball season winds down, and every game has added significance.


Losing comes and goes in sports, it’s the overcoming that is most important. That process is not always easy because some defeats hurt more and stay in the mind longer. The ironic thing about sports and baseball is that teams can play well and lose and play poorly and still win. Even though it is disappointing when teams play well and lose, they overcome it quickly because they realize they will win many well-played games in the future. But some losses are a challenge to get over.


Most Discouraging Baseball Losses 


My major league baseball days remind me that not all baseball game defeats were equal. Some games hurt more and were more challenging to get over than others. When teams let a loss affect them, it may turn into a losing streak. Losing streaks build pressure that makes playing and winning difficult. Having an experienced, understanding manager helps teams bounce back.


One might think that getting shellacked in a game, like 15 to 0, would be difficult for teams. However, those defeats at the higher levels are not that heartbreaking. Teams know the nature of sports, and one game is just an aberration. However, having a few games in a row of getting trounced is different as the pressure to win mounts. Youth baseball is different because a blowout loss is often the most discouraging.


The Hardest Baseball Losses to Overcome

 Following are the baseball game losses that affect managers and players the most.


  1. The most heartbreaking loss for major league teams is the ninth-inning loss when the closer blows it. The team feels like they have worked hard and were in a position to win, only to see it all slip away. The team’s closer is crucial for team success, and the role is just what the term says - they shut the door, keep evil away, and are Mr. Reliable. When Mr. Reliable breaks down, team satisfaction and confidence go out that door.


2.     Another major disappointing defeat is the game won, if not for the mental errors. Players and managers realize that physical mistakes occasionally cost teams a game, but mental errors are under players’ control and inexcusable at the highest levels. When base running mistakes, throwing to the wrong bases, and missing cutoff men lead to losses - bad baseball - teams feel like they just gave the game away. It hurts when teams know they were the better team but blew it that day because of a lack of focus.


3.     Of course, losing because of many physical errors is different. When teams look unprofessional, that is discouraging. Teams occasionally run into offensive downturns, but when a defensive slump occurs, they feel worse because fans recognize they should make the plays. It is embarrassing when teams allow many unearned runs that lead to losing. Embarrassment is the worst feeling for players.


4.     However, the close game loss that occurs because no players can come through with runners in scoring positions also hurts. Teams know the game was there for the taking, but when player after player fails in clutch situations, it disappoints. That failure builds pressure and makes winning a little more trying.


5.     Another baseball game defeat that is tough to overcome is from managerial mistakes. When managers make incorrect moves in crucial times, it disheartens the whole. The manager is supposed to be the rock, and when they fail, it hurts. Once teams lose confidence in the manager, the season or the manager may be on the brink of disaster.


Losing is never fun, especially at the highest levels, and solid leadership is critical for maintaining a good team atmosphere when they build up over the season.

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