Excellence is Within You – Here’s What it Takes!
A line I often say to my ballplayers is, “You will never be perfect.” I say that because many of them are so hard on themselves despite the game being hard. I also say it because it’s true. However, I explain that “Excellence” is attainable and worth pursuing because it doesn’t contain the expectations and pressure that perfection does.
Peak Performance Quest
Many people have told me, “You got the most out of your talent,” referring to my making baseball’s major leagues. I respectfully thank them. I beg to differ in my mind and feel I reached only a tiny portion of my peak performance. Perhaps that is naivety speaking or the competitor's mindset of “Better should have come.”
I can’t go back and change my career, but what’s important is that I never stop reaching for elite performance and full potential. The quest for excellence in everything I try should never end. The daily pursuit of excellence can bring the peak performance I seek, so it must be “Game on” every day. Hopefully, I am gaining ground on it, and it’s not far off, but…
The Winner’s Perspective
It’s incredible to win, but even better is to reach peak performance - excellence. Winning is variable, takes good fortune, and proves you were better than the opponent that day, but that may not have required your best. Getting the best out of yourself – excellence - begins with beating the most prominent opponent – yourself, and the determination of it is under your control.
EXCELLENCE IS ACHIEVED when I feel I have given my all and done my best that day. And my excellence differs from others. For example, I feel I’ve reached it by finishing a marathon, regardless of the time it took. Others my age run it an hour faster, which is their peak performance; excellence is relative to your personal definition.
Excellence Quest
My search for excellence begins by answering the following questions:
1. Why did I keep going when players more talented quit? In other words, what separates the winner from the underachiever?
2. Did the lessons from my mission to reach baseball’s highest level play a part in finishing marathons after the age of 52? Put differently, what role does experience play in one’s future play?
3. What roles do success and failure play in the achievement process? Or, how important is winning to be considered a success?
4. Why do I keep running when every ounce of me yells, “Stop! Asked in another way, what does reaching potential mean?
5. Do my athletic journeys help in life beyond the playing field? Precisely, do the lessons of competition move into everyday life?
Achieving Excellence
It takes a seemingly overwhelming number of necessary ingredients to reach peak performance. I guess it’s no surprise because reaching potential in any area of life is no small matter. However, the good news is that pursuing each attribute is what being a winner is all about. Other good news is that one doesn’t have to be proficient in every area to reach their goals, with my major league quest a great example.
I succeeded while lacking skills with many peak performance traits, like confidence, knowledge, and adaptability. Perhaps that is the beauty of competition — just doing one’s best can be good enough.
Here are many of the peak performance qualities to strive for, knowing some will be strengths and others not. Like your physical skills, proper attention to each area can get you closer to where you want to be.
What can you do to find peak performance and excellence:
· Have well-defined goals that bring out the identity you want.
· Develop a life perspective and optimistic attitude that embraces courage and daring.
· Use focus and work ethic for knowledge and a growth mindset.
· Grow a creative and disciplined mindset to aid problem-solving, adaptability, and accountability.
· Employ leadership skills to foster communication and conviction.
· Exhibit willpower and resilience to empower your commitment.
· Produce integrity and gratitude, humbling qualities that show the dignity of a winner.
Sure, many fancy words and thoughts. However, they are worth reviewing and taking the time to make them a part of your day.
Finally, one of my favorite sayings is, “You are only as good as your weakest link.” When you shore that weak link up, you will be surprised how excellence arrives.
Happy Trails, and if you are in a good place, I would appreciate any support you can offer to my marathon running cause!
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