The Runners High – Just Two Weeks Late

Laughter Makes the World, just not a Marathon, Go Round

For distance runners, getting to the land of the Runner’s High is the goal. However, it’s usually as elusive as finding the bird in the picture associated with this article. Believe me, it’s there, but just as we runners must, you have to look hard to find it.  

Laughter is one of my perfect day ingredients, just not on marathon day. For the record, I want those fans who show delight in the runner’s agony, “Your signs are not that funny.” Of course, I’m just kidding, so please, don’t take that out of context. It’s hard to joke these days without offending someone, but that’s a story for another day. No offense to fans of any sport, as they are the lifeblood of the games.

In fact, it was fantastic to run in front of people again after two years of virtual marathons. Also, the accountability to run every inch of the race is much higher in front of thousands, not to mention the hundreds of marines watching, too.

But it’s like this; when 26.2 miles and 5 hours of running look you in the eye, it’s hard to feel like laughing. And after about mile 10 or so, when the mental and physical faculties begin to wither, it’s not even possible to laugh about things that would ordinarily bring the chuckles. And near the end, the funniest quips ever would not help to laugh the pain away, even though that would be nice.

Run Now, Laugh Later

Now, though, as the thoughts of the daunting effort have subsided, I can look back and enjoy the welcome humor that fans brought to the course. I must admit, in retrospect, “They were funny,” I’m high as a kite now, and thank you.

Here are some of the most memorable comedic lines, followed by my take:

Because of inflation, you have to run 27.6 miles
Appropriate for the times, but just like the pocketbook says, “If giving more makes me a little lighter, I guess it’s OK if it’s a temporary thing.”  

Runners are sexy – your pace or mine
I think they left out an important letter, but it sounds good, and I’ll buy into it.

I trained for months to hold this sign
Cross-training is a critical aspect of training, so I’m sure they are just preparing for their upcoming marathon.

Stuck between a walk and a hard pace
This one hits home because it’s the marathon runner’s mindset to a T – stuck in the never-ending mindset of, “It’s Ok to stroll for a while, but on the other hand, regrets come if I do.”

You’re almost there – kind of
This is another constant battle for the athlete — the destination is always just out of reach.

Forget the race, forget the pace; let’s go out and drink a case
That has such a beautiful ring to it; let’s toast to whoever said that.

Clowns on the left, jokers on the right
This one confused me because I couldn’t figure out which way to go, so as the song concludes, “Here I am stuck in the middle with you.” It’s kind of like Yogi Berra’s advice, “When you get to the fork in the road, take it.” What?

Turn around; it’s a trap
Yes, it feels that way, but there’s no going back in life or the marathon. Finishing is the only option.

Marathon is Greek for terrible decision
I always wondered where they got the name from and realize I’ve finished 16 terrible decisions so far.

Here’s how you run a marathon: Step one – start running; Step 2 – there is no step 2
What a great strategy for finishing any goal; go for it, then keep going for it.

Where are the floats?
I guess the question is why fans call the marathon “the worst parade ever.”

Run easy, you are not gonna win
Hey, how do they know? As far as I’m concerned, if I finish, I win.

Our sport is your sports punishment
That is a good point and the reason many probably refuse to get into running later in life – stop it, coaches!

You didn’t train to get it over with fast
I propose another toast to that philosophy.


Lesson learned — it feels good to laugh and if you can’t in the heat of the moment, do so when it’s all over. Because as mentioned, it’s essential for a perfect day, and it will make sleeping and the next day so much better. Run High and Happy Trails!



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