Success - Better than Winning?

Success is the Key to Winning


First, I never want to sound like I have the answers; I am only striving to figure out what’s most valuable on the trail of life’s trials.


My former Los Angeles Dodgers manager Tommy Lasorda said, "The best possible thing in baseball is winning the World Series. The second-best thing is losing the World Series." He suggests both had very successful seasons, which is correct. Unfortunately, we rarely remember the second of those. But, I would suggest that success is more worthwhile over the long haul. Winners will be replaced, and though the rings and trophies will last forever, success can be a mindset that will never be replaced.


My latest book has the words success and win on the title page. Even though we think they are one and the same, but no. The good news is that success is always within our control where winning is not.

However, the terms before and after in the title suggest both are not that simple, and that is where they are similar. After the word success is trail, which means success is a process and even a never-ending one. Such is the nature of the concept; it is always out there, but reaching it is elusive and just beyond reach. The times we feel we have it, boom, it moves away again.


Before the word win in the title are the words, learn to. Once again, to win is not cut and dried and something we just do. It requires a learning process that suggests it’s also a never-ending exercise.



Success got top billing in the title because it goes way beyond winning. Winning is temporary. Success, giving one’s all in pursuing a goal, and reaching potential through hard work is the mindset that makes one a winner every time and lifelong.


Of course, more vital things exist than having success and winning. One of those is working towards a worthy life purpose with total commitment, whether the outcome is favorable or not. And, that doesn’t mean having the goal of winning is not OK. When kept in perspective it is a worthwhile pursuit. Having the goal of being successful is better, though.



The next time you feel you lost, you may want to reevaluate. Know you are a success when the results show these, no matter the final score:


·       You were a valuable part of a group and brought out the best in those around you.  

·       You gave yourself the best chance of succeeding and did your best.

·       You stayed true to self and values you hold most dear

·       You learned something about yourself you didn’t know before

·       You looked in the mirror and like what you saw.


Yes, success is a mindset, and without it, winning will prove more difficult. Happy Life Trails!


The Winning Mentality – And the Consequences that Go with It


Leadership Begins with Self-Accountability