Jack Perconte

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Self-evident Truths on the Road to Success

Daily Plan

Running is a metaphor for life with one significant difference - the sensation is that the miles seem to last forever the further you run. But, in life, a sense exists the years pass by faster. Both are a race against time. It's how you use your time that makes the difference. I recall the movie Groundhog Day. In it, Bill Murray gets to repeat the same day until he gets it right. It' takes a while. That's what's great about sports and life — each day, game, and run allows us the opportunity to make it better than the previous ones. Both provide the chance to fine-tune one's actions daily. The truth is it takes time to overcome the many obstacles, and get it right, even a lifetime, but we shouldn't want it any other way.

Other self-evident truths:

·         You only realize dreams by putting in the work and earning them.

·         Trying makes every attempt worthwhile. It's inaction that hurts.  

·         Reaching goals makes you a hero, at least to yourself, so enjoy the pride they bring.

·         Whether you get to the mountaintop or not, there are always other hills to climb.

·         Being a winner is a mindset, and the best news is it's something you control. 

Finally, do one thing better than you did yesterday; you will sleep better.

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