New Year’s Resolution Time

Using 2021 Inspiration for  New Year’s Resolutions

Before making resolutions for 2022, it’s necessary to reflect on knowledge from the past year. Also, with age, I find the philosophy of “Go big or go home” becomes more necessary, as is trying to do more, not less.

Another trying, atypical year is coming to a close, hoping this doesn’t become typical. The thing is, life has always been a tough test and will remain that way with some years, LIKE THE LAST TWO more challenging than others. Embracing the challenges is a must for purposeful living. 

First, it may seem like I’m obsessed with success and winning, but that is only when knowing my definition of those terms – giving one’s all in pursuit of things that better oneself and others. With that in mind, winning and success, as long as purposeful, are worth pursuing and dedicating to. 

Of course, purposeful  needs further defining -  consideration of our fellow men and women by not judging others, but at the same time being willing to always stand for justice. It’s a fine line. 

At the risk of preaching, I will end there and offer my resolutions and points learned from 2021 to use on the road to success for 2022. 

 2022 New Year’s Resolutions

·       I resolve to be compassionate, make those around me better and do my part in creating a better world - my goal of purposeful living is something I must work at; it is not a given. 

·       I resolve to do things that may not always be comfortable with the understanding inaction is unacceptable and trying makes every attempt worthwhile.

·       I resolve to find something new to work towards, knowing “Extraordinary” is possible and goes into making robust goals come true. 

·       I resolve to enjoy every day, rejoice, and move on whether I win the day or not, knowing every day is a new hill to climb.

·       I resolve to live up to the identity I want for myself, knowing excellence is within my grasp and a mindset I control.  

Finally, experience taught me the key to sustained resolutions -  having a process and committing daily.


Happy trails and happy new year. 

The Success Trail

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Success Comes from Leadership


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