Dreading Work? Act Now to Avoid Burnout
I absolutely loved owning and operating my own business in my post-playing days, but that was not enough to prevent burnout. My definition of burnout goes like this, “I put my heart and soul into it, but now detest the thought of doing it anymore.”
On the trail to figuring out what goes into success, this is another of those I wish I knew then what I know now.
Breaking Down: The Good and the Bad News
Yes, unfortunately, burnout often results in those who give their all. It’s unfortunate because it comes to those who apply the most, a most desirable action, and it rarely shows for those who go through the motions. So, with that in mind, take comfort that burnout comes to those who were truly one-time committed. But, of course, feeling good about that is not enough to eliminate the apathy from prolonged stress.
If you recognize the signs of your collapsing interest, you may be able to act to avoid getting to that state.
Early Signs that Burnout May Be Setting In
The following are some indicators that you are drifting into a possible breakup. The sooner you recognize and try to act on one or more of these conditions, the more the burnout symptoms do not follow, or there may be no return. Many of these may seem obvious and often are in retrospect, but they may not be so apparent in real-time.
1. Your first thought upon waking up in the morning is, “Ugh” I have to do this again, whereas you previously couldn’t get to work fast enough. But of course, everyone has an occasional day where this is the case, but trouble looms when they are day after day.
2. A sure sign of possible burnout is having trouble staying focused, but you used to always have your head “in the game” and were productive. As mentioned, if this is an occasional problem or outside-work- problems arise, they are not that big a deal.
3. Another unwelcome result is that you are not satisfied even after you had a productive day, but in the past, you would be happy and smiling after such a day.
4. Similarly, it's not healthy when you take business setbacks as personal attacks against you, but previously you had a better perspective and rolled with the punches.
5. Another early sign of burnout is disliking everything coworkers suggest, but you used to look forward to collaboration and experimenting with new ideas.
The Most Troubling Burnout Signs
6. When you get to the point where you begin to ignore or show disdain for company regulations but were a group leader before, it’s an indication that burnout is your prominent attitude.
7. Another detrimental indication that you are in trouble is becoming stressed and angry quickly; previously, you were a patient, understanding individual who controlled their emotions.
8. A severe burnout symptom occurs when you have trouble eating and sleeping, which never used to be an issue.
Job Burnout Solutions to Try
1. Recall why you took on the job and looked forward to doing it in the first place. Your initial “Why” is still probably solid; if not, find new reasons as they may exist.
2. Write. Putting things on paper can help one realize there is a light at the end of a never-ending tunnel. Listing the highlights and lowlights of your job can help you visualize the situation concretely.
3. Write some more - before going to bed each night, list the people you were thankful for in your day and the activities and co-workers you look forward to interacting with tomorrow. This may be difficult, but healthy brainstorming should help.
4. Write even more – you may be tired of writing, but consider writing your memoir, make it a comedy, and relay your thoughts as if you were the hero. Not taking things too seriously is medicine, as is creativity and diversionary thoughts in stressful times.
5. Upon waking, set a game plan for your day, including realistic goals, me-time, creativity, learning, and making a positive difference in another person’s day.
6. On your way to work, remind yourself that you are doing this for “You” and not just for others and for a paycheck. Additionally, remember that fun and not just winning must be part of your job.
7. Find balance in your workday by planning fun, or at least relaxing, activities during the day. Walking or exercising with or without a coworker during your break can do wonders. Conversely, a short nap or resting the eyes can be beneficial for relieving stress. It’s critical not to get physically run down very often, as that can affect one’s attitude and performance.
8. Try to focus on one project at a time instead of many, and prioritize the most important ones first. Getting the most difficult tasks off your plate is a stress reliever.
9. Recognize the positives in your role and contributions to the whole, and modestly point them out to others. Never view a task as punishment but as a challenge.
10. Have long-range goals, knowing this job is simply a stepping stone to reaching them.
11. Encourage others, who often return the same to you, and the positivity makes problems seem less important.
As you noticed, I believe in writing, mainly because I know how it has helped me. Finally, understand that you have control of your situation even though it may not seem that way. If your job is one you are not passionate about, set a plan to get you going in the direction of a job you can feel passionate about, even though it will take time to get there. It is always helpful to network outside of your job because you may find a healthier job or boss exists.
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