Daily Inspiration - – Winning Words of Wisdom

Daily Inspiration to Win the Day


Again, I try to convince readers I know what success is about. I’m not that naïve to believe I am an authority because success is a variable and fleeting thing. No one has a monopoly on it, and I don’t, but, like most, I am a curious investigator of what it takes to achieve.


One day I feel like I have a handle on things and am on top of the world, followed by a day of trials and wondering what went wrong. Such is the roller coaster of life – ups and downs, followed by some relatively flat, smooth sailing times, and then back to the fickleness. Of course, that is the good and bad news. Life would be boring if it were all smooth sailing, but I suppose that is the ultimate yet impossible goal.


I suppose that is why I turned to writing years ago – to help figure life out and maybe give some insight to others so they don’t make the same mistakes I made. One thing I’ve found helps, and I recommend for all, is to write lists including goals for the following day, week, etc. This list not only gives one direction but also helps to form a work-in-progress life philosophy.


To that end, I list some daily inspirations for how I want to approach each day.   


Winning Words of Wisdom


1.     Have a purpose beyond just “being happy today.” Of course, happiness is better than the opposite, but it often is a self-centered goal that doesn’t always lead to helping others.


2.     Wake up with this thought, "I may or may not change the world today, but I “will” make a positive difference in at least two people's life, myself being one of them." This sentiment incorporates number one above of working to find contentment for self and others. It is much easier to be of benefit to others when content with oneself, so don’t neglect yourself.



3.     Have this expectation today – I will work hard to hold my head high at the day's end. An effort is a prerequisite for having a fulfilling day, even on days of little consequence.


4.     Follow the traits I hold most dear – love, integrity, humility. Every daily action and decision must be based on these.


5.     Go into each day knowing the fantastic opportunity to learn something new and unexpected. The curiosity mentioned above is vital to avoid complacency.



6.     Realize the things no one can take from me - enthusiasm, desire, effort. These controllable ingredients can win the day.


7.     Never underestimate the power in the little things in life—a smile, wave, nature, and nourishment. Attention, approval, and understanding are what create the most significant impact.



Finally, I must refer to these daily inspirations often as life can overwhelm and I quickly forget them. Happy Trails!


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