3 Overlooked Keys to Success  

When one thinks about how they got from point A to B, they realize it involved having a goal, hard work, and perseverance, to name a few things that go into achievement. But when one digs deeper into the success trail, they realize it takes many other items to spur us through the hardships that inevitably come.

Overlooked Keys to Success  

  • Curiosity – If one always goes by the book, they miss out on the creativity that makes the journeys more enjoyable and possible. Perhaps curiosity killed the cat, but a lack of it will kill your goals too. So, even though stuck between a rock and a hard place, here on cliché day, I would choose curiosity. One must be willing to allow the mind and body to explore its depths to find your passions and reach potential. The highest achievers are always on the lookout for how and why things work.

      * Accountability – Many people set a goal and a purpose but fail to have mechanisms in place to hold themselves loyal to the task. The minute a challenge comes along, their dedication wanes, and the end line becomes out of reach.  From the beginning, set a process in place that helps you remain faithful to your goal. In that way, when difficult periods arrive, you will be ready for them. Accountability begins by examining one’s strengths and weaknesses, along with being sure to follow the daily, weekly, and monthly routine.

      * Gratitude – It’s the time of year to mention this. Being thankful for others, skill, health, and energy is a huge source of enjoyment and motivation. In addition, whenever we recognize the help of others, it spurs us to live up to their trust. Most of all, life achievements mean more with others involved and keep us accountable as well.

Finally, remembering the elusive nature of success should keep us curious, accountable, and thankful in and of itself.

Happy Thanksgiving!


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