3 Absolutes for Finishing Anything

Initially, I titled this article 3 Secrets to Winning, but then said, "Who am I kidding?" There are no secrets I have that many others haven't used. I write of what I found on my journey to the major leagues and finishing 14 marathons. That happens to be the theme I thoroughly explore in my new book, The Success Trail."

I am amused when I hear someone say, "I wouldn't have changed a thing," after competing or in their life choices. Dang, that must be nice. I look back on my life and think of a million things I would change. Even though I feel I have had a measure of success, I would love a do-over with many things. But, unfortunately, life doesn't work that way.

The key is to learn from the things one would like a do-over for and do it better the next time. Here are three things that those who achieve do, but many others fail to incorporate, resulting in them never getting to a satisfactory finish. 


Success is more likely when one:

1. Adjusts. Life is a constant battle of adjusting to the roller coaster of emotions and effort. Often, no rhyme or reason is apparent on one's journey. Continual adjustments are necessary because a week goes smoothly, and the following week not so much. Some days are like a cool breeze, and the next seems unending. Tremendous energy and optimism come but then disappear around the corner, or one dreads the day, and it turns into a lovely cruise. One must make many trips to the drawing board to review decisions and habits and then follow up with the necessary changes.

2. Finds the zone. The achiever has an increased ability to focus when things get most daunting. They can divert their thoughts from the physical and mental pain. Additionally, they visualize achieving what they set out to and keep faith in themselves. Concentration is always the athlete's ace in the hole.

3. Knows how to close things out. So many people slack off or do not know how to finish, and they do not achieve what they set out to do. The victorious can taste the finish line and apply themselves like there is no tomorrow near the end. The ability to add focus once the destination is in sight is a sure sign of the winner. Those who do not win have a first, second, and third gear, but the champions can turn to a 4th. Once putting forth more comes without forcing it, and you know it is what you "must do," you have what it takes.


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How to Win Every Time