Jack Perconte

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The Key to Winning the Leadership Game

Leadership Secrets

 OK, I hate the word secret because as in this case, it is not accurate. Anyway…

Location may be the key in real estate, but it’s communication for leadership.


I have fallen into this trap many times - a student or team who is just going through the motions. I play it off as them not wanting to be there. NO and No. The problem isn’t them, it’s me. My job is to find them the enthusiasm that shows they want to be there. It’s not always easy, but I know I must find a way! And, when I do, now I can be satisfied.


Studies show that one of the most compelling questions is “What is your opinion?” The question makes others feel included and vital. Leaders use this tactic when working with groups and individuals. They know that people who have input give a better effort because, after all, it was some of their ideas. Those who want to run the show without asking for or accepting feedback do not inspire.  



As a leader, one must put their ego aside and consult with involved others. Not only does it spur effort, but it also builds invaluable chemistry. Togetherness is power, and a more profound sense of accomplishment arrives when many contribute. The success formula works once it gets to the point when people willingly pick up the slack when others get derailed.

Additional Questions for Winning Leadership:


What are our  goals?” Without stated and shared aspirations, the focus will be hard to come by.


What areas need the most work?” Tackling the most challenging part of the problem is necessary.


How do we hold ourselves accountable? A plan without a process to make sure of following it


“How can we improve?”  Without daily analysis of ways to be better, stagnation sets in.


“What can I (each individual) do to help everyone and enjoy things more?” Outstanding leaders are not afraid to ask this and make any necessary adjustments based on the answer. This query is most important when enthusiasm wanes.

The critical thing to know is that asking for opinions shows one cares about relationships, and failing to do so brings less effort and respect.


Finally, communication, as mentioned, develops the team’s chemistry which makes everyone a winner.