Jack Perconte

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Mickey Mantle Story and Life Lessons

Mickey Mantle’s Dad Explains Reality

Stories have no meaning with no one to tell them to.

 Many of us seem to take things for granted, and we need to hear or recall stories of those who have gone before.  Most players’ careers will end at a relatively young age, but the stories and life lessons we accumulate in our playing days may last a lifetime and contribute to our work and family lives forever.

On the flip side, the lessons we, as parents, learn are never-ending, too. I was reminded of this recently when I encountered a situation when hanging out with my grandchildren. It reminded me of a story I have never forgotten from the past. The thing is, there is not always a clear right and wrong when it comes to parenting.

Mickey Mantle Story

This is the way I remember the story and paraphrased the spoken words.

Hall of Fame baseball player Mickey Mantle struggled in the minor leagues, a breeding ground for major league baseball. Over the years, only a handful of MLB players have avoided going to the minors before getting the call to the big leagues — even one as talented as Mickey had to prove himself amongst other accomplished ballplayers. After a tough game, Mickey called his father and explained that he didn’t know if he had what it took to become a major leaguer and was contemplating or going to quit.

Mickey’s father listened and did not say much, which was the end of the conversation. Or so Mickey thought. Mickey’s dad, very revered by “the Mick,” drove from his home in Oklahoma to where Mickey was in Kansas. As the story goes, Mick’s dad showed up, surprising Mickey in the middle of the night, and began packing up his belongings. Mickey, somewhat perplexed, asked his dad what was going on. Mickey’s dad responded, “Apparently, this game is too tough for you, so I am taking you home with me. You can work with me for the rest of your life in the coal mines.”

Wow, those actions must have hit Mickey like a collision at home plate. I can picture Mickey’s mind mulling over the game of baseball versus the tortuous thought of a coal mine. I would guess he was thinking, “Gee, the walk to and from home plate to the dugout, even after a strikeout, isn’t so bad compared to the walk into and out of a dark, dreary hole in the earth.

One can also picture Mickey trying to convince his dad that he would prefer to stay and give baseball a further chance. Of course, Mickey pulled that off, and the rest is history, with Mantle becoming one of the all-time greats and in the Baseball Hall of Fame.

Many life lessons in this story and, as implied, ones that are extremely necessary, especially in today’s youth sports culture, where it is often one of entitlement.

Life Lessons

As Mickey’s dad did, he gave his son an explanation of perspective by showing:

* How people sacrifice for their chance for a better life. It’s mandatory never to forget others' sacrifices to give us opportunities.

* The way to thank them is by giving one’s best as often as possible, which is what all adults should expect. Expecting stardom is unrealistic, but unfortunately, what many parents do.

* If one is willing to compete, they will more often than not find a way and overcome any walls in their way.


And as for parenting, it’s about doing the best we can by using our stories and experiences. Finally, a huge key to happiness and another life lesson is never to forget that others have had a tougher road than you. Happy Trails