Jack Perconte

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Do It Because You Can


Take my word on this, I am not a cocky person. And for that matter, I am not very confident in most things either. However, when someone asks me why I run marathons, my answer sounds like I’m sort of arrogant as I respond, “Because I can.” Once again, don’t get me wrong, no boast just fact – I do it because I can. Now before doing anything of such magnitude, a lot of effort, training and preparation is involved but the result is possible when one follows the process.

The same answer follows the question I sometimes get, “How did you hit major league pitching?” Because I could.

But here is the important point, I always follow up the reasoning with, “I’ve been blessed!” You see, as a follow up to the second question, “I was given the gift of hand eye coordination. With both endeavors, I have been blessed with a resilient body.  In 12 years of professional baseball, I believe only once did I miss more than a month of playing at one time. It is something I am proud of over a 162 major league schedule and 140 game minor league one. Baseball may not be as physically grueling as other sports, but the day in and day out nature makes staying healthy a challenge.

Being able to still run at my age makes me extremely grateful. “A durable body has been a gift I never take for granted.”

The Success Trail message is clear:

1. Recognize the gifts you have been given – everyone has them, I believe.

2. Prioritize your talents and opportunities by giving the most effort to the ones you enjoy doing the most.

3. Follow up on those gifts by giving them the effort they deserve.

4. Never fail to give thanks for what you’ve been given and recognize many others would love to have your opportunity.  

 Finally, regrets only come by wasting the gifts you have.

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